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Friday, November 14, 2008

Being Refined

Before silver can be sold it needs to be refined. The silver is melted and the impurities rise to the top. Then a worker skims the impurities off of the surface. Each time the silver is purified there are less and less of the impurities that rise to the surface. The worker keeps melting the silver until it is completely pure. Pure silver is more valuable than regular silver.

God uses the trials in our lives to refine us. When we are challenged and stretched God peels the impurities away so that we become more like him. God has a lot of work to do in us. We don't know the reasons for the things that we go through but God does. Trust God and know that He is in control. One day you will get to a place in your faith when you will be able to look back on your life. You will realize what God taught you through that experience and how much you grew during that difficult time. I hope that you will embrace each experience and allow him to refine every area of your life.


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