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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Corrie Ten Boom 3

Here is another excerpt from the book.

As Corrie recounted their experiences, one of the neighbors said, " I am sure it was your faith that carried you through."

" My faith? I don't know about that," replied Corrie. "My faith was so weak, so unstable. It was hard to have faith. When a person is in a safe environment, having faith is easier. But in that camp when I saw my own sister and thousands of others starve to death, where I was surrounded by men and women who had training in cruelty, then I do not think it was my faith that helped me through. No, it was Jesus! He who said 'I am with you until the end of the world.'

It was His eternal arms that carried me through. He was my certainty. "If I tell you that it was my faith, you might say if you have to go through suffering, 'I don't have Corrie Ten Boom's faith.' But if I tell you it was Jesus, then you can trust that He who helped me through will do the same for you. I have always believed it, but now I know from my own experience that His light is stronger than the deepest darkness."


Little Tony February 26, 2009 at 11:50 AM  

Corrie Ten Boom was one of the original disability missionaries! She had a weekly church for people with mental disabilities for many years. She wrote a book called "Common sense not needed" about this. I am sending it to you via regular mail. Keep on pushing ahead God will lead you to the place you will finally jump!!! We love you, Tony

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