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Friday, December 18, 2009

God Always Works Out the Details

I have become really close to Sabrina and Micah since they started coming to Camp Daniel a couple of years ago. They have a five year old with Down Syndrome which is why they started coming. Micah and Sabrina are part of the camp staff in the summer. I dearly love their kids Elijah and Lydia. I have posted many pictures of them. :0) Micah is in school and Sabrina works full time. Micah will be in Milwaukee for school this next semester while the rest of his family will be in Luxemburg. They weren't sure what they were going to do with Lydia during the day, so I started praying about it. This has been on my heart for a long time. I talked to the rest of the Camp Daniel staff and they thought it was a great idea to help Sabrina and Micah. I will have some extra time, especially this winter. I will be spending three days a week with Sabrina and her kids, kind of like a part time nanny. I am really excited about this because it is totally a God thing. I will be able to play with and love on these kids. I will also be able to encourage Sabrina and help her with whatever. I told Sabrina and Micah last week and they are very excited. It seems that God is working out all of the details and things are falling into place. I love this family. I am excited for what God will bring over this winter season.


Anonymous,  December 21, 2009 at 3:28 PM  

Merry Christmas Molly! We are looking at your blog at Gentog, the senior center, I go to.

Could you call me with your new phone number?

I'll miss you at Christmas very much!

Love, Gram XOXO
ps I'll be back at gentog on Thursday to check your blog :)

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