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Monday, April 26, 2010

A Week with Nate

I have some friends that are on vacation this week and I am watching their kids. I get to spend a whole week with Nate! Yes folks, be jealous, be VERY jealous. I am also having a great time hangin' out with the older kids in the evening. Nate is such a good boy and he is so sweet! This is another family that God has handpicked to have an extraordinary little boy. They are truly a special family. I am blessed to know them and honored to call them my friends. James and Jill were very grateful that I could come over but I am the lucky one. The blessings are going both ways this week. Their kids are great! Nate was watching the dog.
Looking out the window
Lunch time

He was signing please

Nate was tickling me a lot yesterday. So fun!
playing with the dog

crawling all over the house



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