There's No Room For You
For the Christmas Eve service at Living Hope Church, we had a mini musical production called "There's No Room For You." James is the worship leader at Living Hope and he wrote all the songs and directed the show. James has the same kind of vision as Tony and Karol. They put all of themselves into what they are doing. They work hard and do the best job possible, and they expect others to do the same. Let's just say that it was A-MAZING! There were over a hundred people involved from singing and acting, to set and behind-the-scenes. Of course, I took pictures.The little angels waiting before the performance started.
Tony, Karol, Tim, and the guys built the set. The whole Camp Daniel crew went in one day to help build it. Thankfully we had a lot of the props from Megarusalem.
The shepherds
Joseph and Mary on their journey
townspeople. A few of our members from The Able Church were townspeople. It was a great opportunity for them to be involved in ministry. I think they really enjoyed it.
the innkeeper
Joseph asking the innkeeper if there is any room in the inn
Joseph and Mary
Jesus is born!
Hannah was Mary. She had to sing a capella and she was right on! Good job Hannah! We are all so proud of you!
The little angels came out to sing praises to baby Jesus. It was awesome!
The shepherds on their journey
the shepherds worshiping at the feet of Jesus
DJ and Brian are two of the guys who live with Tony and Karol. They were both in the show.
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