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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Able Church video

Here is a video of The Able Church that Jen and Tony put together a couple of months ago. I think you get a good picture of what we do at The Able Church on Friday nights. We teach and equip people with disabilities to reach among their own culture, like Jesse, a man that you will see on this video. God has given him the gift of preaching. He has been preaching for the last few years at The Able Church. Jesse is in a different place than the rest of us, he can reach them in a way that we never can BECAUSE of his disability. He gets them in a way that we will never be able to because he is in the same place that they are. He is one of them. It is amazing to watch.

We have worship leaders, preachers, teachers, greeters, prayer warriors, and servers at The Able Church. Each person, each life, is vital to the body of Christ. We want everyone to catch onto this vision. This is what we are fighting for.

My life was rather dull until people with disabilities were a part of my life. Well, it wasn't that dull, but I am just trying to make a point. My life is richer because people with disabilities are a part of almost everything I do. The last year and a half of ministry has been the best part of my life, so far. There are several reasons for this.

The first is that I made a commitment to serve the Lord. This is what He has called us to do. It is amazing how everything falls into place when we put this first in life. I had worries about family, finances, and many other things. Plus, I was just plain scared. I finally couldn't live like that anymore. I took that step. I am a living testimony of all that God has done, all that he has provided. I have "nothing" by the world's standards, and I am happier than I have ever been. I live by faith from month to month. God ALWAYS provides what I need.

The second reason is that I live in community. This is another thing that God intended for us. It isn't always easy, but they love me and challenge me daily. I have many dear friends that have become like family. I live in community with many people whose lives have been effected by disability. There are two families that have become a big part of my life, the Kocians and the Weidners. It is a honor to walk down the road toward Christ and to do ministry alongside you. I love you guys. I love your kids, especially your boys. Your sweet, beautiful, perfect boys. What a gift they are! They have my heart, forever. It is because of your boys, your families that I am in ministry. One day, I hope that I have a little boy just like them.
Elijah is a prayer warrior. He will be a leader.
Nate will be a worship leader, doing ministry with his dad.

The third reason is that people with disabilities are a part of my community. The body of Christ is complete, each part working together. I need them, desperately. I plan to have a group home one day, hopefully in the near future, where they will be a part of my every day life, they will be my family. We will grow and learn together, and the greatest blessing of all, we will serve together. I haven't had much to say lately, and I kind of purged it all in this post, so thanks for bearing with me.


Anonymous,  February 16, 2011 at 3:38 PM  

OH MOLLY! It was so wonderful to read this post and watch the video. It was great to see some of the faces of the Able church... I miss them so! :D God bless you!

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