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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bible Study

I have been leading Bible study at The Able Church for the last year. We meet every Tuesday night. This is a really special group of ladies, eager and excited to learn about Jesus and the ones who follow him. Last year we learned about Corrie Ten Boom and this year we are learning about Amy Carmichael. We read a chapter each week and then I pull a lesson out of the chapter. It is kind of interesting when I break down the lessons. They always come back to loving God, loving people, forgiveness, serving, and trusting God. This is proof that things/lessons from the Bible do not have to be all complicated and theological. The Bible is simple enough that a child can understand it. Things are only complicated because we make them complicated. People with disabilities have a pureness and a child-like innocence about them. They understand the Bible with the same innocence that a child does. You must understand, we do not present it to them in a childish way. We do break it down to a simple message. There is a big difference between the two.

A while back, I decided to have sharing time during Bible study. They all shared very honestly about real issues like waiting on God, death, being made fun of, forgiving others, and learning to accept change. It was so cool because God gave me an encouraging word for each of them. A few weeks later, we had a sharing time again. Each of the girls shared different things they were going through. While they were sharing, I was praying and asking God to give me words to share with these girls. I kept praying, but I wasn't getting anything. The awesome thing that took place that night was that the girls encouraged and prayed for one another. I just sat back, in awe of God's power working through people with disabilities. This is what the church at large is missing.


Anonymous,  December 9, 2010 at 8:28 PM  

AMEN!! you rock and your words are AMAZING!!! <3 you Molly!

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