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Monday, December 13, 2010

A Life Transformed

Last Friday at The Able Church, Daniel and Catherine were our musical guests. They played a little concert for us. As you can see, Elijah made his way up onto the stage. Catherine's mom came to watch them play. It was her first time at The Able Church. She wrote a note about her experience and said that we could share it with all of you. It was a life-transforming experience for her, as it is for so many. There are many times when I don't have the right words, enough words, to express the life-changing things going on around me in this ministry. I think that she did a beautiful job of conveying what goes on at The Able Church.

The Best Christmas Party Ever!

Last night we found ourselves taking part in a Christmas celebration for Able Church in Green Bay where we were caring for Baby Ellie as Reflect led the congregation, first in worship, then in concert of some of their new songs, and ending in a time of Christmas Carols.

This church was unlike any other we have ever known. No one was a stranger, all were welcome. There was total freedom to be yourself. If the leader asked people to stand, you could stay sitting and no one noticed. If you were inspired to stand, raise your hands, turn in a circle, worship in sign language, or any other language it was as natural as breathing.
You could feel the love and joy in this place, but the most inspiring feeling was the freedom to be yourself.

There were no fancy tables, just a few platters of cookies and drink set out, no festive decorations, folding chairs made up the seating and off to the left of the stage was a curtained space where a 'mangy' puppet would pop out occasionally challenging Daniel to let him sing a duet, which they finally did, and their rendition of Jingle Bells brought the house down, or rather up as they all rose to their feet and clapped.

As the final songs began, the most amazing thing took place. A young child, a little boy with Down's Syndrome made his way up the platform and wiggled his way onto the keyboard bench where Catherine was playing!

As he took his place right next to her, he beamed at the audience and with his hands in his lap, took part in the final Christmas songs. I couldn't help but think of that first Christmas night in a plain stable where the shepherds came with no fancy clothes, perhaps a small child snuggled up next to Mary to take part in the miracle that was happening.

As this young boy's mother came to stand where I was she wondered if she should try to retrieve him. Shaking my head "no" and with tears running down my face, I knew that he was drawn there by the Spirit, and as they sang "Center of The Angel's Songs", God had indeed placed an angel among us to demonstrate that very thing.

When Silent Night was being introduced, he turned to Catherine and said, "I know this one", and sang along with a beaming face, while all of heaven watched. Truly God was in that place, and even little Ellie knew as she smiled and loved everyone who came to touch and see her. For you see, this was no ordinary church, indeed it was extraordinary, for these people were those the world has called "Developmentally Disabled". I would say they were the "Able Ones". Hence the name: Able Church!

Merry Christmas everyone, may we all be able to receive His grace and love with great joy this amazing season!
Cindie & Ted


Jojo December 14, 2010 at 9:39 AM  

First of all... I love your new header. That beautiful girl with that horse was one of my favorite memories with Katie. She just grabbed him and kissed him!

The letter is beautiful. Able Church is beautiful. I want to experience it... soon. :D
Thank you for your continuing wonderful blog. I love reading what you have to say. Love.

Sabrina December 15, 2010 at 10:56 AM  

Remind me never to read your blog at school again! I can't take having to explain why I'm walking away from the computer crying!


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