The Day My Life Changed, Forever
Sunday was the day that my life changed, forever. This is Crystal. She is my new roommate. We have our first Women's Group Home and she is the first resident! We have been in the process for over a year. In a lot of ways it was a hard wait, but it all happened in God's timing. I have been thinking about everything that has happened at Camp Daniel over the last fifteen years that has slowly led up to this. It's a pretty big deal.
Everything that has happened in my life, especially over the last nine years of being involved with Camp Daniel has prepared me for this. For right now. This is the next step of living in community. She is a huge part of the next level in my relationship with Jesus. She is the missing piece that I needed, even though I don't fully understand what that means yet. She is my family now.
Please pray for all of the adjustments and changes over these next weeks and months.