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Monday, October 29, 2012

Weidner Family 2012

I spent a few days with my friends, Bri and Micah, a couple of weeks ago.  They are family and oh how I love their kids!  My favorite time with the kids is when I put them to bed.  They are tired, giggly, cuddly and happy.  We had plenty of tickle wars and shadow stories.  I did a family photo shoot for them before I left.  

 Love this one of Elijah.
 ha. I tickled her.
 Estie and Malachi. love it.

 those goofy kids!
 family photo!

 this is my fav of Estie
 love that they are cracking up
 ha. love this.

 I was trying to pose Lydia and they all posed like that. lol

 Elijah and Malachi.
I was trying to do a follow the leader pic.  Estie didn't want to cooperate. lol
 My fav of Lydia

 Estie and her daddy
A kiss for his little brother


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baby Malachi

A couple of weeks ago, I went to visit my friends, Bri and Micah.  I met the newest little member of their family.  Malachi is 5 wks old.  He is sweet and perfect.  I got in plenty of cuddle time. :)  I was able to take some pictures of him before I left.

 monkey butt
 I think this one is my favorite.

 big sister Estie

 What a look!

 Love those little feet!


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