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Friday, November 13, 2009

What They Have Given Me

Oh how I love this little boy! I see Elijah almost every Friday night at The Able Church. This six year old ministers so much to me! Elijah is a happy boy and he a joy to be around. I play with Elijah and keep him occupied during the service. During that time, he helps me to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. I begin to see the beauty around me. The world is so wrong about beauty. When I interact with Elijah, I feel such love, unconditional love. Elijah makes me feel beautiful, rare, and special. That is how I feel around all people with disabilities. That is how people with disabilities have changed my life. They have given me so much! I have experienced such love around them because I have truly opened myself up to the love of Christ. There are not that many people who are willing to truly open themselves up to this different side of love in Christ. This is the love that we have all been searching for, the love of Christ through people with disabilities. This love fills the deepest parts of your soul. A lot of people are afraid to open themselves up that much. There is nothing to be afraid of around people like Amanda and Sarah.

I was holding Natie on Sunday and I asked him for a hug. He gave me a big hug and his little hand patted my back. Natie is only two years old but the same love flows from him. He is such a sweet boy, he is such a gift! I have known Elijah and Natie for two years now and they are so dear to my heart!

There are two young women who speak so much into my life and make me feel so loved and special. They make me feel extraordinary. I am so blessed that I get to interact with people with disabilities on a daily basis.


Jill November 19, 2009 at 3:22 PM  

I feel the same way! What beautiful stories and pictures...love ya girl!!

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