A Protective Presence
I went to another church on Sunday and I met a little girl with Down Syndrome. She is so sweet! I was immediately drawn to her. Wherever I go now, I scan a crowd or place I'm in for people with disabilities because disability ministry has become my life. I can sense their presence, but I am starting to realize that what I'm sensing is something more. I have become aware of this presence that surrounds them. I don't know quite how to describe it. It may be that they have guardian angels around them because there seems to be this protective presence on them.
I think that what I sense is the presence of the Holy Spirit because they have a connection with God unlike any other. I believe that God is especially fond of them. Why else would His Spirit rest on them? This little girl's parents had her in the sanctuary during worship and I strongly felt that presence about her because it changed the whole atmosphere. When they took the little girl to children's church, there was a void because that presence went with her.
I know I'm not crazy because I feel the same thing when Amanda (a young woman with DS), is worshipping during the service at Living Hope Church. That same presence is about her and worship is more powerful. Amanda is not in the sanctuary every week because she helps with Mega. I feel that same void when she is gone, worship is just not quite the same.
That is why chapel during camp and The Able Church are so amazing and life changing. That presence is in concentrated form because there are so many of them in one place. There have been many times when I have been speechless and in awe during a chapel service. This presence can be quite overwhelming and I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. I couldn't do anything but cry. I knew that something had changed inside of me and I would never be the same. I knew that I would never experience this anywhere else.
This change is what churches are missing out on until they fully accept people with disabilities into their congregations and lives. I have experienced the full body of Christ as it was meant to be. There is something greater going on, spiritually, around people with disabilities, more than I can comprehend or put into words. They are on a whole other level spiritually than me. They will always be far ahead of me. Until others come to camp and experience it for themselves, they just won't get it. That is why I am so excited about what's going on at Living Hope Church. They have begun to tap into something greater. God has radically changed so many in that church, but he is going to radically change their lives on a whole other level, more than they thought was possible. God is going to use people with disabilities to change the lives of those at Living Hope, forever.