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Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Value of a Life

I had this strange dream the other night. I was in the middle of one dream and then all of a sudden I was in Africa. I was kneeling on the dusty ground and the sun was very bright. Someone walked up to me. I looked up but I could not see their face because It was so bright. I realized that they had something for me. I reached out and they put a small African child in my arms. This child was skin and bones, dying from hunger. The child looked up into my eyes, too weak to cry. As I looked into the eyes of this sick and frail child, it was like I had been given this divine understanding. I began to weep over this child. I felt the weight and value of the child's life. I understood how valuable each life, each heart is to my heavenly Father. My heart is still heavy, even a couple of days after the dream. I think this dream will be sticking with me for a long time.


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