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Saturday, June 5, 2010


This past week, a group of us from Camp Daniel went up to Special Touch in Minnesota. Special Touch is a camp for people with disabilities, and it is a lot like Camp Daniel. I was a counselor for the week. I had a camper named Greta who was 22. She has cerebral palsy and she is in a wheelchair. We had a blast together. She was really special and became very precious to me over the week. It was fun to have a camper that was the same age as me. She blessed me more than I can say. She became a dear friend to me, a sister. Greta had a computer that she would communicate with. She used a clicker up by her head to select what she wanted to say on the screen. She used it the first day, but after that, she didn't want to use it. I was able to read her really well and we communicated just fine without it. We connected very deeply last week. I believe that our souls, our spirits connected.

It is kind of funny because just when I thought I knew it all, God humbled me. That is why I love spending time around people with disabilities. God always finds new ways to stretch you. Four years ago, I had a radical, life-changing experience like this. I did full care like this for an older gal and she was the reason I went into full-time disability ministry. That week with Barb was the first time I had done full care for someone and a lot of it was overwhelming.

This week was wonderful because I have done a lot of care for others since that week with Barb. I was able to embrace everything with Greta. She blessed me, just by being her. It was a privilege and an honor to take care of her for the week. God knew just what I needed to start my summer off right. God knew that I needed to be reminded of complete service and sacrifice. God has prepared my heart for a summer of service through Greta. I am forever grateful. I don't think I have ever connected so deeply with a camper. My heart aches for her this week. I will never forget her.


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