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Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Mom, I Caught a Troll!"

My mom heard this story from her friend and I HAD to share it with you because it is awesome! It is SO funny!

There is a guy with Down Syndrome in his 30's who lives on his own. His mom checks on him often because he needs help with things sometimes. One day, he called his mom and said " Mom, Mom, I caught a troll!" She said, "Umm…what?! I'll be right over." She goes over to his apartment and he is so excited, he is jumping up and down. He takes her back to his room. A chair is propped up against the closest so the troll couldn't get out. The guy removes the chair and opens the door. Do you know what was in that closet? He had caught a little person! Yes, that's right. The little person was a Jehovah Witness who had come to the door. He had been in that closet for three hours and he was pretty angry. The really funny part was that the guy with Down Syndrome was really angry that he couldn't keep him!

Isn't that the best story you have ever heard? I laughed SO hard when I heard it. I told my mom that I was going to post it on my blog. She said "Wait, what if it isn't true?" I told her that this story is DEFINITELY true! Well, I hope it brightens your day. :0)


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