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Thursday, June 2, 2011

MEGA Parade

The last couple of weeks have been really busy. It is officially summer. The MEGA crew was in the Memorial Day Parade. I cannot take credit for most of these photos. Nissa took them. She did a GREAT job! I need to give her my camera more often. She captured some expressions from the kids that I wouldn't have gotten. We had a blast, and it was such a nice day.

Ruthie eating a donut
me and Amanda

Steve, Sarah, Amanda
this is such a great photo of Sarah.

Jen and Marceaux
Tim drove the MEGA bus
We handed out about 3,000 brochures. I would say that about 75% of those kids got one.
Luke and Ella.
Bible verse guy.

Vanessa went over and sat by these girls. It was really funny.
Everyone really loves the puppets
Sleeping Ella.


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