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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Horses at HoneyRock

I remember when I was ten, I was down by the barn all the time helping with the horses. HoneyRock used to have fifty horses and I knew all of their names. I was comfortable standing out in the middle of the herd. You just had to be careful when it was feeding time. My mom and I went down to visit while I was there, and we brought treats. They enjoyed the carrots.

I have to share another one of my moments with you. See that fence? It is in most of the pictures. Well, I remember it being an electric fence. I lightly brushed against it while I was talking to the horses and nothing happened, so I thought I was safe. I leaned up against it to take more pictures and all of a sudden, I heard a loud *smack*! It zapped me, and it hurt quite a bit. I'm lucky it didn't fry my camera. Word of advice, don't ever lean against a fence that looks like this. Yep, couldn't keep that one to myself.


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