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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Summer Day with the Kiddos

I watched the kiddos yesterday and we had so much fun! I saw them during all four weeks of camp but I didn't get to spend a lot of time with them because I was so busy. It was an extra special day because they are moving to the Milwaukee area and I won't see them very often. I have had a year to get used to the idea, but it doesn't make it any easier. I will miss them dearly. They are my family. Their parents are some of my closest friends and these kids fill me with such joy. Niss, Ruth, and Grace were over too and we had a photo shoot.

My favorite photo with the kiddos

oh Elijah!

so sweet.

I love this one too.

Ruth and Elijah.

Here he comes!

Grace and Elijah

sweet baby

Estie and Ruth

sweet. hugs!

a kiss! Grace wasn't expecting that.


i love their giggles


so sweet

me and Elijah


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