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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't Endure Your Life, EMBRACE IT

Don't endure, embrace.

They talk about this a lot at camp. Sometimes it is easy to do just enough to get by. You want the week to be over as soon as possible. We have all been stretched to this point. We are overwhelmed with things and we want to be done with the week. You don't want to fall into this trap because then you will be missing out on what God has for you.

We encourage the counselors to embrace everything that they are going through. You need to embrace the good and the bad things that you go through. You need to embrace the experiences that stretch you. It is so easy for people to go through life being completely numb to what is going on. They do just enough to get by in life. When you let go and embrace the situation, you can truly live and be free. I didn't say it would be an easy thing to do. It may be easier to embrace the good but we must also embrace the things that challenge us. We need to do this because I believe that there is a reason for everything.


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