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Monday, November 10, 2008


The atmosphere at Camp Daniel is very special. There are around 100 people there each week so it is still small enough that you get to know everyone pretty well. You can be yourself and you are loved just the way you are. These people become your family in a very short amount of time. At the end of the week you don't want to leave. The friendships you create that week will last a lifetime. Each year you pick up right where you left off.

Things are different at camp. All of the outside distractions fade away. The bottom line is that we love Jesus and we want to show the love of Jesus to our campers. There are Christians at camp from many different denominations and we don't get caught up on the little things. Jesus is the thing that connects us. We are there to love and take care of our campers. We are there to love and support each other. Everyone is stretched and challenged in different ways. Each person has a different level for their breaking point. At camp you get to put your faith into action. The body of Christ is lived out as it should be. Each person does their part and we are there to go through it together. It is a beautiful thing to see others give sacrificially of themselves. When there are so many people serving in this way and giving of themselves, great things happen. We are all pushed to our breaking points and God draws us closer to himself. He takes us to a deeper level in our faith. We are closer to God than we have ever been.

Some people don't like being pushed to their breaking point, in fact, I don't think anyone does. I think that is why some don't come back. There are only a few people who truly understand what is taking place at Camp Daniel. There are even fewer people who truly embrace what they go through and crave more of it. I am one of those people. God opened my eyes. I can see what happens at camp and I can't stay away. I want to be growing in my faith and surrounded by people who want the same thing. Camp Daniel is one of the few places I have found that.


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