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Thursday, November 6, 2008


I want to describe what worship is like at Camp Daniel. I will do my best to give you a clear picture. Chapel at Camp Daniel can be loud, crazy, fast, slow, and exciting. When you are in chapel the campers do a lot of different things. Some campers sing loudly and some are very quiet. Other campers are singing the wrong words or they are out of tune. Then there are those that clap their hands and stomp their feet and dance around. The dancing thing is mostly for attention. (I sure have some funny stories about that, haha.) And then, to add to the chaos already taking place, sometimes they hand out instruments for the campers to play. So there is always a lot of noise at any given time.

Amidst all of what I would call beautiful chaos or beautiful noise, the presence of the Lord is in that place. It is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. There are so many different and unique ways in which the campers worship. Each one of them expresses their worship differently. I don’t know how to explain it, but they have this ability to be immediately in the presence of God. We are lucky if we even get to that point, and the campers do it right away. I think it is because they don’t have all of this junk in the way like we do. We have to get rid of the junk in our lives. We have to get rid of everything that separates us from God, only then can we get to that place of complete worship.


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