Learning to Live By Faith
I have been living on the Camp Daniel grounds for about a month now. I have been sleeping on an air mattress because I didn't have a bed. Jen and I decided that we would put two futons in our cabin because of the limited space. Tony said "I know someone will give you a futon, I bet it will even be the same color as Jen's futon." Tony had complete faith that I would get one so I didn't worry about it. I knew God would provide in his timing. I was learning to trust God for a basic need, my bed. Yesterday, a guy from church drove up from Green Bay to drop off a futon. He even put the futon together for me. I have a bed. Praise the Lord! And get this, it's the same color as Jen's futon. I never would have thought anything of it. The fact that Tony mentioned the color before I got the futon was a big deal. This was just a God thing. I believe that God does little things like that in our lives all the time. We need to be paying attention or else we will miss them.
I wondered why I didn't get a futon right away when I moved here. If there had been a futon here, I wouldn't have had to go through the process of learning to trust God. This was just a small step towards trusting God with more important things in the future. If God can take care of the little things, then I know he has the big things in His hands.