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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My New House

I haven't been able to blog about this with the business of summer, but I have moved into my own house on the grounds at Camp Daniel. I was Jen's roommate this past year. When Jen and Marceaux got married, I moved into the house next door. John and Sue used to live in this house, but they have moved to Minneapolis. They were a huge asset to this ministry and to The Able Church. We will miss them greatly, but we are excited for where God is leading them.

I can't believe I have my own house! This wouldn't have happened if I had done things my own way. Many of us think that taking a step of faith is nice for someone else. It seems scary and impossible because the enemy wants it that way. He wants as much control over our lives as possible. Once we have taken a step of faith, we have entered a whole new level in our relationship with Christ. When we step out, God responds, God provides. I stepped out and God provided a house. A HOUSE! I have been living completely by faith for a year now and God has provided everything. God has blessed me in many big and small ways, beyond what I could have imagined. There is such freedom in living by faith. I will never go back to my old way of life.

The reason I moved into this house is because I will be pursuing a group home in the fall. I could possibly have two female residents living with me. I am a little nervous about being responsible for another person, but I know this is what God wants me to do. It will not always be easy, but I will be stretched as I continue to learn lessons about family, community, and love. As I continue moving forward in the direction God is leading me, I know that this is just one step on this amazing journey.


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