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Monday, December 27, 2010

What Every Photographer Wants for Christmas

That's right, folks! It's a lens for my camera! Actually, it's a coffee mug, but let me tell you the whole story. A couple of weeks ago, my friends Sabrina and Micah gave me a gift.
The kids were really excited to give me my present, even though they had no idea what it was. I had them help me open my present.
When I opened the box and saw what was inside, I was pretty surprised. At first, I thought it was a lens for my camera.
Here I am thinking, "Did they really get me a lens? This feels pretty light for a lens. It might be a different brand." I really thought they had gotten me a lens. Sabrina finally told me that it wasn't a lens and I eventually figured out that it was a coffee mug.
It took me like five minutes to get the thing open. I tried opening it like a lens and it didn't work. That thing is deceiving! It even zooms in and out. It was a cruel, funny joke. At least I got an awesome mug out of it.
Here I am with my new lens! (I mean coffee mug)
The funniest part about the whole thing was that Sabrina found this little dino in the box. She thought that maybe a kid had dropped their toy in there while a parent was packaging up the box. She was reading the receipt later and saw this. I don't know if you can read it, but if you look closely, you can see that it says: This box contains 1 coffee mug and 1 Rawrrrrrr! dino freebie! Who does that? Who writes free stuff on a receipt? I'm sure that a lot of people do. It was just kinda funny. I had to share my stupid moment with all of you because it was just too good to keep to myself.


Jill December 27, 2010 at 11:42 PM  

omg cruel and funny all at once.
at first i was green with envy, then i was terribly sorry, then green again because it's such a cool coffee mug and i want one.

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