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Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Weekend with the Kiddos

The great thing about having friends with kids is that I can steal them for a couple of days. Elijah and Lydia spent the weekend at my house. We had a blast! The kids were good, as usual, and we had no homesickness. This was the first of many wonderful weekends to come!
eating pancakes for breakfast. my dad always used to make me fun-shaped pancakes, so I made the kid's names. ha. those faces. They were a bit distracted from Saturday morning cartoons.
makin' cookies (wow, so, the kids are standing on those chairs. I know I'm short and it isn't took hard to be taller than me, but I just had flash to when they are teenagers! Ahh! I don't even want to think about that! They can stay like this. Forever.)

eating a little cookie dough!
Oh to be a kid again! They were rolling all over the floor of the living room. I didn't fully understand it, but there sure were a lot of smiles and giggles. I suppose it's about finding joy in the simplest of things.

makin' pizza for dinner
crazy-hair boy, after a bath. I'm thinkin' he looks pretty cool, actually.


Anonymous,  February 19, 2011 at 10:40 PM  

I think he looks pretty cool too :)

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