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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My New Car

Okay folks, here is the story of my new car.  Most of you know that I was in an accident about two months ago.  I was rear-ended and my car was totaled.  I needed a car, so we started looking.  Tony found a car through Karol's dad.  Karol's step-grandma was selling her car.  They were going to sell the car for $4000.  I got $3000 from insurance, so I needed a thousand more.

Tony and Karol recently bought a new treadmill from a guy on Craigslist.  When they went to pick it up, they started talking to the guy and found out that he was a Christian.  He ended up selling the treadmill for less and donating $400 to camp.  That $400 was the start of my car fund.  A couple of days later, I put the word out on facebook and my blog that I needed help raising money for my car.  Within 24 hours, I had 90% of my money.  People responded, and it all came in over the next week.  

I was so very humbled and grateful for the response.  Tony and Karol were down in Illinois for Thanksgiving so they brought it back home with them.  I registered the car yesterday so it is officially mine.  Woohoo!  Thank you to all who prayed, who gave their time and money to make this happen.  I love you all so much!

Lesson learned: God brought something wonderful (a new car) out of something awful(the accident).  I learned a little more about what it means to trust God completely because, I couldn't do it on my own.  I had to lean on Jesus and those around me.  I had to accept the help from others.  Quite the opposite message from what this culture of ours has to say: I can do it all on my own!   God ALWAYS takes care of us, in the big and small things.


THE PILGRIM December 8, 2011 at 8:29 AM  

That is a wonderful message-God made it happen. I was just reading this morning where Israel kept saying "I can do it myself." Not only could they NOT do it on their own, but they got themselves all wrapped up in a destructive culture. I like your culture, Molly. It should be everyone's culture.

Carry January 28, 2013 at 2:32 PM  

I know it’s late, but I still want to congratulate you for having a new car. It’s been years, and I hope it still function wells :) I read most of your blogs and I’m glad that you recovered well after the accident. You’re a good person, and that’s why there are a lot of people who love you.

Carry Bacot

Unknown November 11, 2013 at 12:36 PM  

It's nice to know that even though you experienced something so unfortunate, you were still able to stay positive and look for a new car. Your new car looks great, and you got it at a steal price. Congrats! How is it now? I hope you take care of it and regularly check for parts that need repair and replacement.

Ava Harness @ Elite Toyota

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