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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Don't just DO something, SIT THERE

Don't just do something, Sit there.

I think this is an old Buddhist quote. It's interesting because this way of life, this mindset, is totally opposite to the way we live here. We are always on the go, doing a million different things. Rarely do we take time to be quiet or be still. I know that I always like to have music playing. I heard the quote this week and it convicted me, but not in the way they mean. This quote convicted me to be still at the feet of Jesus. It has been a long time since I have done that. There has been so much other noise lately that I think it has drowned out God's voice in my life. I can't tell his voice from any other. I need to get rid of that noise. There is the story of Mary and Martha when Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Jesus said that Mary had chosen what was right and it would not be taken away from her. God wants us to be still. Lets all take time to SIT THERE.


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