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Friday, May 1, 2009

Love People to Jesus

Ah, the innocence of children. They believe that there is no danger. They have BIG dreams. And they believe that magic is real. Unfortunately, in this horrific world we live in, so many children have their innocence, their lives stripped from them. The longer I live in this world, the more I learn how much this world sucks. There are so many horrific things going on all around us.

There are child soldiers in Africa and they are taught to kill and destroy. These children just disappear, they are stolen from their families. Their governments deny they exist. There is human trafficking. Then there are girls and women sold into prostitution. Little girls who have their innocence stolen from them. LITTLE GIRLS! A lot of the little girls are orphans that live on the street. They wouldn't be missed right? This is happening all over the world! War is destroying families and homes. People with disabilities are neglected and abused. Kids are hurting from broken homes. There are hurting people all around us. Now what are we going to do about it?

Let's put our words into ACTION! Get to know your neighbors. Volunteer at a local school or organization. There are so many things we CAN do. We need to be fighting for the innocence of children. We need to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. We need to be fighting for souls! Let's get out there and love on people!


Little Tony May 1, 2009 at 2:57 PM  

I love the Holy dissatisfaction God has blessed you with. God will birth vision out of it for you. Someday you will lead others into battle, I have no doubts about that. Never stop believing God can change things through you. I love you Molly, and continue to pray for you.
Little Tony

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