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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Textured Photos

Well folks, I discovered something rather exciting yesterday. I found out that Tony has this program called Photoshop. This program isn't just the general program, this is the program that is for graphic designers and professional photographers. It is very complicated and will take me months to really learn how to use it. In the photo world, this is the top editing program. I spend a lot of time editing photos. I rather enjoy it. I have seen a lot of photographers use texture on their photos. I have always wondered how they did it. Photoshop is the program that allows you to put the texture on the photo. This program has taken my editing to whole new level, and I am never going back. I love it!


Anonymous,  October 23, 2010 at 10:34 PM  

oh my goodness molly!!! These are so amazing!

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