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Monday, March 14, 2011

Photoshoot with the Kiddos

My friend Sabrina had spring break last week, so she came up with the kids for a few days. We had a blast! We did a photo shoot with the kids before they left.

Her big, beautiful eyes pop out at you in this picture.
Estie is 9 months old now! I can't believe it! She is standing and I'm sure she will be walking in no time!
There is just something about a baby in a one-zee. Those little fingers and toes, chubby arms and legs, and chubby, kissable cheeks.
I didn't mean to take the picture like this, but I actually like it. Believe it or not, it is quite hard to take pictures of a 9 month old. She would stay still for about two seconds. I way trying to hold her still with one hand and take the pic with the other. That is how I got this.

sweet sisters
a kiss
pile up.

I think this is my favorite of the kiddos.
being silly
by the end of the shoot, Estie was ready for a nap.


Anonymous,  March 17, 2011 at 7:04 PM  

So much Fun!


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