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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Called To Minister

"Ministry to those with disabilities sometimes requires great effort and sacrifice, but remember how God served us. We were made for this very reason- to sacrificially serve others, and to live this way is to be like God."

I was reading a manual today on the reasons for starting a disability ministry. This particular bit popped out at me. We are called to do ministry among the disabled. That is what Jesus did, and now that is what we must do. Sometimes it is not an easy thing, but we must do it anyways. I write this having had a very difficult day with the teenage girl I watch who has special needs. I would have to say that this was one of the most physically and emotionally demanding days I have ever had while I dealt with her behavior issues. The words that popped out at me were ministry requires great effort and sacrifice. Wow, okay God, I get it.

I have been fully immersed in disability culture for the last six years and it is good to know that there are still situations that bring me out of my comfort zone. God has used someone with a disability each summer to push me a little farther out of my comfort zone. He knows exactly what I need to have my selfish flesh broken down a bit. These have been some of the most difficult times for me, and yet they were the best spiritual lessons I have ever experienced. I only experience these things around people with disabilities. There are only a few people who get it. These wonderful, dedicated people come back to camp each summer ready for more. I don't understand why more people aren't catching onto the vision. Most of the time it is wonderful, but there are difficult moments. I guess some are just scared because it can be hard. These difficult moments have made me the person I am today. I have changed a lot over the last six years. God has used people with disabilities to profoundly change my life. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes and helping me to catch onto that vision.


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