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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Very Special Family

Last week I got to spend a couple of days with my cousins. We haven't seen each other in nine years. We are all grown up now. There are ten kids in their family. The three oldest couldn't come, but I got to spend time with the rest. I love big families. I had a blast with all of them. We are all very similar. We got along really well. I am definitely closest to them even though it has been so long since I have seen them. This is a pretty special family. All of the kids get along really well and they love spending time together. That is a rare thing. It was really neat to be around that and watch them interact with each other. It is always good to see healthy family dynamics.

The youngest is Mark and he is twelve years old. He has Down Syndrome. He is so much fun! I love that kid! I only spent two days with him and he already has a very special place in my heart. Funny thing, it never takes long for them to do that. What a precious gift he is! Markie was born into a very special family. Aunt Sherry is a pretty amazing woman. God chose her to have two kids with special needs.

I really believe that God chooses special families to love these kids. Families like the Dunbar family(my cousins), the Kocian family, the Weidner family, the Barnes family(I spent a year with them and worked with their daughter), and the Piantines. My friend Kath also has a brother with special needs. I have heard the Piantines say that it just happens. Well, I have spent enough time with them to know that they are a VERY special family. I am still convinced. All of these families have been such a blessing to me. What an example they have set during the good times and the trials. They have all made me a better person. Thank you. Sarah and Markie

Rachel, Markie, and me

Aunt Sherry


Bekah and Markie

Sarah, me, Hannah, Rachel, Gloria


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