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Monday, June 1, 2009

Speaking to My Heart

When I was in Ohio my Uncle gave me a very nice digital camera. He is into photography and he had an extra camera in his closet. I have wanted one for a long time but I couldn't afford it. The camera was a huge gift. I was speechless. This was such a blessing and I am so thankful. I love to take photos. Now I can take all the photos I want. YAY! Thanks God! There you go again giving me another desire of my heart. It may seem silly to some, but I look at the simple things. God does this kind of stuff all the time. Often, it is time spent with the people that I love. Sometimes it is a beautiful sunset that was just for me. Thank you Father God for speaking to my heart like no one else can.

A gal from church came over today and she brought her baby boy with her. Cohen is 6 months old. I got to take some pictures of him. He is a sweet boy.


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