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Monday, September 13, 2010

A Beautiful Moment

Oh Camp. It is such a wonderful place. There are so many little miracles and beautiful moments that happen throughout the week. You have to keep your eyes open, or you will miss them. Now that I am on staff, I sit back and look for these beautiful moments. I want to share a couple with you.

My friend, Emily, had a camper named Barb who needed full-time care. God had been doing a lot of things in Emily's heart, and she was ready to take care of Barb. It was her first time with a camper who needed full care and she did an amazing job! From the moment Barb arrived, Emily was completely focused on her. I had Barb as a camper a few years ago. It was so awesome to watch Barb change Emily, the way she had changed me.

One night, I was standing outside of the chapel talking to Tony while everyone was standing in line for meds. We look over and see Emily kneeling on the ground while she was feeding Barbie applesauce. It was such a beautiful moment. I wish I could have taken a picture of it. It was such a great picture of complete service and sacrifice. That moment is what camp is all about.

Later that week, I was sitting under the porch while everyone was hanging out. Emily and Ruth were singing Taylor Swift songs to Barbie. Barbie loved it and she was singing along. It was such a beautiful moment, I had tears in my eyes. What beautiful moments have you noticed?


Jill September 13, 2010 at 3:12 PM  

When Nate reaches for you.
Your face lights up....his face lights up....
It's a beautiful moment.

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