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Friday, September 17, 2010


I have been reading a book called Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. It is quite a radical book with radical ideas. A few years ago, I read this book for the first time and it came at a crucial time because it helped to push me toward living a life of ministry. I have to say, I agree with many of his ideas. They are on the edge, going against what most people call normal. I am living a life of ministry, going against the norm, and I am proud of it.

Shane spent some time in Calcutta, India working alongside Mother Teresa with the dying and the lepers. While he would take care of these people they would whisper "Namaste" into his ear. Namaste means " I honor the Holy One who lives in you." I can see Jesus in you.

I have never taken care of the dying, but I have had some "Namaste" moments. When I did full care for Barb and Greta, two gals in wheelchairs, there was this deep connection that I cannot describe. As I cared for them and tried to show them God's love, I saw Jesus in them. Oh how those two deserve loving care like that. I believe our souls connected and it was a 'Namaste moment'. I could tell by the way they looked at me while I was caring for them. There is a radical change that takes place inside of you when you care for someone like that. I will never forget it.


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