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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Society of Outcasts

"Calcuttas are everywhere if only we have eyes to see. Find your Calcutta." -Mother Teresa

While Shane was in Calcutta, he spent a couple of weeks in a leper colony, the society of outcasts. As he lived among these people, the Bible came to life. He saw Jesus among them. They taught him how to love, live in community, and live out the gospel. The leper colony was a community that depended on one another for their needs and loved each other sacrificially. He had found a community living the way that God intended.

I have found my Calcutta, it is the community of people with disabilities. They are outcasts among the world, yet Jesus spent much time with them. They have taught me many of the same things. They have taught me how to love unconditionally. They have taught me about dependence on God because many of them depend on others for their daily needs. I have also learned about sacrificial love and service by caring for them. It is this amazingly radical thing that has changed every aspect of my life. They are some of my great teachers, helping me to bring sin to the surface, and to get right with God. I have much to learn, but I am on my way. This has become a life-long ministry. I have found the treasure of heaven, and I am never going to leave.


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