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Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Faith is Like Shifting Sand

Funny how you can do some of the simplest backbreaking work, and yet it teaches you some of the greatest lessons. This lesson was in my face all morning because we were digging trenches in the sand.

While I was digging, this song by Caedmon's Call came to mind, "My faith is like shifting sand, changed by every wave. My faith is like shifting sand, so I stand on grace."

We are such fickle people, aren't we? We change our thoughts and opinions daily, so easily swayed by things and people around us. We ask God for a sign. We say, if you do this, then I'll believe. When we DO get an answer from God, we explain it away like it isn't from him.

While we were digging the trenches, we couldn't stand near the edge or the sand would break off and we would have to dig it out again. That is how easily our faith sways. We need grace for our faith. I doubt God all the time even though I know what he has done in the past and what he will continue to do. I'm glad he doesn't give up on me as easily as I give up on him. Thank you Lord for your never-ending grace. Thank you for YOUR faith in me.

Tom and Anthony hard at work, or hardly workin'

sweet Sarah and Amanda


Jill September 20, 2010 at 10:05 AM  

This is a beautiful post Molly...and so true. Why do we stand so close the edge on some things? Crazy.
It's always easier to believe in God's will and direction for those around us, especially those we love. But sometimes, so hard to believe for ourselves. Now that my friend, is simply unbelievable. It contradicts the very nature of God, and yet our faith can be so weak when applied inwardly to and about ourselves.
Your honesty and willingness to verbalize it only makes your stronger though. Sometimes when you speak out-loud your fears and doubts, they sound silly and strange. Even to yourself.
Keep working hard and speaking life to others around you....including YOU.
Love you!

Marnie Mackin,  September 22, 2010 at 3:38 PM  

great post!

The pictures are great!!

take Care


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